MIRROR.INK was created in the 2nd semester of Game Design (b.a.) and our first game project.
Therefore it was hard to gauge what was coming at first. We started figuring out a unique mechanic which we then matched with a look inspired by an old pottery technique. This game prototype sketches out the first 3 levels of a potentially expandable game system.

The game mechanics are based on a mirror axis, with which you have to move the drop into a target field as accurately as possible. The more precisely you hit, the more beautiful is the ink splot you create.
The Team
Vivien Schreiber
Programming, Artstyle, Art Asset Creation
Anna Schiffels
Game System Design, Project Management, Programming, Art Asset Creation
Moritz Steinbeck
Art Direction, Art Asset Creation, Technical Direction, Programming
Full Playthrough:
For the ink drops, we used a pottery technique called mocha diffusion.
This involved letting acidic paint drip onto alkaline clay, creating unique patterns as the paint eats through the clay.

In total, over 100 drops of paint were applied to a wet clay slip using this pottery technique and filmed, then cut out, sorted and inserted to the game. The writing of the menu has also been made using with this ink.
Pictures from the drop creation:
This project, being our first game project ever, was an incredible learning experience.
I learned to create and appreciate a good project plan, which has been very important especially in the production process of the art assets. I also became much more confident in using Unity and C#.
Although, I am convinced that I learned many more soft skills during this project than I could describe here. From work allocation to times, I picked up a lot that prepared me for future projects.

The project MIRROR.INK was awarded with
2nd place of Deutsche Multimediapreis
in the age category 21-25 years in Dresden.

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