In my artistic-technical bachelor thesis REMOTE I worked on the implementation of a game scene in which players can explore a part of a space station in VR and explore several volumetric videos.
Minimalist gameplay and the explorable environment support the immersive encounter with the 3D footage of real people. Especially this integration of moving photogrammetry posed a particular technical challenge and the core theme of the work.
Snapshots and videos of the final photogrammetric recordings and the VR application:
Full Playthrough
I am also doing a little performance test starting at 00:17:00.
The Thesis
I had attempted to incorporate photogrammetric video into a VR application as part of my project, and in the associated thesis I have presented my experimental workflow and explain what processes I used to achieve my results. Furthermore, I tried to evaluate the applicability of the workflow and the involved steps and give an outlook on things that could be improved.
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